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CALENDAR 2 - 20 MARCH 2011

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Updates from the 2011 Artistic DirectorElisabeth EastherSchools Review CompetitionReviews
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From the 2011 Artistic Director

By David Malacari - 23 Mar 2011From the 2011 Artistic Director The Festival's last week continued to unveil more exciting work for Auckland and gave more people a chance to experience a breathtaking range of performances.

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Move Me

By Elisabeth Easther - 21 Mar 2011Move MeMy tastes, tendencies and preferences usually lead me to plays and musical performances, comedy too, and not just in this festival but in life in general.

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NZHerald Review: The Show Must Go On

By - 18 Mar 2011"Jerome Bel's The Show Must Go On is not so much a dance show as a show about dance. Its conventions, constructions, its expected forms, are mostly stripped away. What is left for examination is the function of dance. What compels us to move to music, to seek it out on display?"

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NBR Review: rapt

By - 18 Mar 2011"Douglas Wright’s latest work “rapt” opens with a lone male operating an industrial jackhammer. The intermittent sounds and vibrations throb throughout the theatre while three chairs slide backwards and forward across the stage."

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NZHerald Review: New Purple Forbidden City Orchestra

By - 18 Mar 2011"Take a trip 90 minutes down State Highway 1 and music-lovers can luxuriate in one of the country's finest music venues. On Wednesday, the acoustical heaven of the Gallagher Concert Chamber in Waikato University's Academy of Performing Arts proved a blissful setting for the visiting New Purple Forbidden City Orchestra."

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