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CALENDAR 2 - 20 MARCH 2011

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White Night on Parnell Road, Parnell Ink

PARNELL ROAD Parnell INK. A curated programme of 10 street-based art projects will occupy the length of Parnell Rd. Featuring performance, moving image, installation, and outdoor painting productions from Michelle Beattie, Dagmar Andres-Dahmen, Kevin Capon, Meighan Ellis, Yolunda Hickman, Shannon Novak, Michelle Osborne, Clinton Phillips, Alissa West and The Cut Collective.

12 March, 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Parnell Road

Performance work includes The Fieldman Academy of Love and Kindness: How to make a tissue parcel from Michelle Osborne who takes a participative experiment to the street to involve people in a communal act of labour and peaceful resistance (7.30-9.30pm). Clinton Phillips' 2m wide (and fully playable) polystyrene Violin Bridge will provide on-going performances during the evening with passing viewers able to participate in the sound-making.

One of the most ambitious projects will be the highly-visible a moving image projection After Mere Kururangi from esteemed artist / photographer Kevin Capon. The work takes its form from an ancient Maori meditation in Poi, which is projected to a monumental size on the side of a building; like a ghost, it appears only for the duration of White Night, disappearing at sunrise the next day. A more intimate alley-way viewing experience will be Meighan Elliis' confronting DVD projection The Absent, which creates an uncomfortable, voyeuristic view into portrait sitting.

Students and alumni of Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design (Parnell's resident art school) occupy dedicated spaces on Parnell Road. The unique forum of the street provokes fresh and unexpected responses to the work of these emerging artists. Large-scale installations will be featured from Yolunda Hickman (with Moon), Alissa West (with Lions) and Dagmar Andres-Dahmen (with an as-yet untitled site-specific installation). Moving from the monumental to the miniscule, Michelle Beattie's Landscape provides a portal to a Lilliputian world in which a single viewer can loom over her constructed tableau.

The Cut Collective - six like-minded individuals with varied personal histories in art making - will also paint a production directly on site on Parnell Rd. Cut Collective's aim for the project is to develop a new aesthetic direction for the collective that trades on flat, bold colour and iconic references to elements recalled from childhood.

Parnell INK was Curated by Jane Sutherland and Kylie Sanderson. Visit the web page for more information, updates and a full location guide.

Image credit: Michelle Osborne 'The Fieldman Academy of Love and Kindness. How to make a tissue parcel.

core funder - Auckland City Council
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