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CALENDAR 2 - 20 MARCH 2011

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White Night at Voyager NZ Maritime Museum

Discover the epic stories of New Zealand's maritime history at Voyager.  Explore exhibitions of the journeys that shaped our seafaring nation to the accompaniment of the stirring sounds of the RNZN's Pipes and Drums Band at the Museum, before embarking on a starlit cruise of Auckland's Waitemata Harbour on one of the heritage sea vessels.

White Night, Saturday 12 March

7:00pm - 8:00pm Maritime Museum Crew Musical Performance FREE
7:00pm, 8:00pm & 9:00pm
Guided Tours of the Museum, meet by the anchor next to the museum shop FREE
Between 6.00pm and 9.00pm SS Puke, NZ's oldest working steam vessel, sets off every 20 mins FREE
5.30pm - 7:00pm & 8:00pm - 9.30pm Ted Ashby, a ketch rigged scow sailings
$10 adults, $5 children
7:00pm - 9:00pm Breeze, a heritage tall ship sailings
$30 per person, 12 years or older
6.30pm - 8:00pm & 8.30pm - 10:00pm Te Aurere, a canoe similar to the waka used by Maori voyaging to Aotearoa sailing
$65 adults, $20 children, $150 family (2 adults, 2 children)

Corner Quay and Hobson Streets, Viaduct Harbour

*Museum gallery entry free for Auckland residents with proof of address.  Offer does not include sailing experiences, ph 09 373 0800 for ticketed bookings.