White Night at Okaioceanikart
Ambitious abstract artists of Samoan ancestry present an
alternative to the history of contemporary Pacific Island
art in the AlterNative Samoans exhibition.
White Night, 12 March
7:00pm - midnight |
Gallery open |
7.30pm - 8.30pm |
Music |
8.30pm - 9.30pm |
Spoken Word |
Four male artists take a radical approach - Sekio Fuapopo,
Nestor Opetaia, Sale Pepe and Nathan Suniula - by challenging the
conventions of other Pacific Island artists and reinterpreting
Pacific art.
Fuapopo, an American Samoan based in San Francisco, gained his
BFA and Masters before any of his fellow exhibitors were born. Like
noted Samoan painter Fatu Feu'u who has claimed Samoans were the
original minimalists, Fuapopo grew up in the 1950s in a Samoan
village. Both draw their inspiration from the ancestors. After
working with Maori artists at hui in NZ since 1995, Fuapopo is
joined by young 'AlterNative warriors' Opetaia, Pepe and
Suniula to voice Samoan perspectives on contemporary
Level 4 Gallery, Aotea Centre, 50 Mayoral Drive
Image Credit: Artists Nathan Suniula and
Sale Pepe. Courtesy of Marilyn Kohlhase